Ömer Delikaya
Ömer Delikaya was born in 1989 in the village of Qopiza Jorîn in Elajgir district. He completed his primary and secondary education at the Elajgir boarding school. For High school study he went to Izmir. In 2008 he graduated from Teğmen Ali Riza Akıncı (TARAL) high school in Çiğli. The same year he started his study in Dicle University’s Department of English Teaching, where he graduated in 2012. In 2012, he started his master’s degree in Kurmanci at Bingöl University. In 2013, he started to work as a researcher in Bingöl University and continued there for two years. In 2016 he started his postgraduate studies in a joint program between the Universities of Bingöl and Muş. Now he is a postgraduate student and also a teacher of English at a private school in Bingöl.
Delikaya has been a member of the editorial board of the magazine Wêje û Rexne since 2014. He has published critical essays and translated essays from English to Kurdish for the magazine.
Galip, Özlem. “Serpêhatiyên Bêcihûwarbûnê: Di Rabêja Romana Kurdî de Wek “Warê Demkî” Diyaspora”, (“Diaspora experiences: Diaspora as a temporary space in kurdish novelistic discourse”) trans. Ömer Delikaya, Wêje û Rexne, i. 1 (2014), p. 143-151.
Said, Edward W. “Sirgûn û Entelektuel”(Exile and Intellectual), trans. Ömer Delikaya, Wêje û Rexne, i. 2 (2014), p.153-161.
Galip, Özlem. “Mal Li Kû Ye? Di Rabêja Romana Kurdî Ya Li Swêdê De, Ji Nû Ve Nirxandina “Kurdistan” û “Diyaspora”yê” (“Where is home? Revisioning Kurdistan and diaspora in kurdish novelistic discourse in Sweden”) trans. Ömer Delikaya, Wêje û Rexne, i. 3 (2014), p. 219-238.
Peled-Shapira, Hilla. “Gelo Helebce xala werçerxê bû ji bo helbestvan Bulend el-Heyderî?” (“Was Halabja was a turning point for the poet Bulend el-Heyderi?”) trans. Ömer Delikaya, Wêje û Rexne, i. 4 (2015), p. 47-68.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Çîrokeke Nivcomayî: Şewêş”, (“An Unfinished Story: Şewêş”), Wêje û Rexne, i. 1 (2014), p. 24-27.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Di Wêjeya Qafkasyayê de Teyrekî Xerîb: Sîras”, (“A Lonely Bird in the Literature of Caucasia: Sîras”) Nûbihar, i. 126 (2014), p.87-88.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Bîra Hevpar û Serpêhatiyeke Trawmatîk di Çinara Mihemed Ronahî de”, (Common Memory and a Traumatic Adventure in Mihemed Ronahi’s Çinar”) Wêje û Rexne, i. 4 (2015), p.173-179.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Peymana Bêdengiyê û Êşa Kesên Ne ji Me; Rengvedana Jinên Ermeniyan di Zûra ya Felat Dilgeş û Bavfile a M. Alî K. de”, (The Treaty of Silence And the Sorrow of People Who Are Not One Of Us; In Felat Dilgeş’s Zûra And In M. Alî K’s Bavfile The Enlivenment of Armenian Woman”), Wêje û Rexne, i. 5 (2015), p.180-192.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Nexşeya Zimanî ya Erdnîgarê û Nirxandineke Mîkrotopomîk li ser Gundê Qopiza Jorîn”, (Linguistic Map of the Geography and a Microtopomic Study on the Village of Qopiza Jorîn”) Journal of Bingöl University Institute of Living Languages, Year:1, Volume 1, Issue 2 (November 2015), p. 96-110.
Delikaya, Ömer. “Çiyayek ji Çiyayên Serhedê: Kosedax”, (“One of the Mountains of Serhed: Kosedax”), Nûpelda, i. 22 (2016), p. 39-40.