Şehmuz Kurt
Poet, translator, researcher and editor.
Şehmuz Kurt was born in 1987 in Colemêrg (Hakkâri). In 1993, after his ancestral village was set on fire, he migrated to Van together with his family. He attended primary and secondary school in Van. He graduated from the Department of English Language Education at the University of Istanbul. Between 2010 and 2013, he taught English at various schools in Van. He has been working as a research assistant at the Department of Kurdish Language and Literature in the Mardin Artuklu University since the autumn of 2013 and doing his doctorate in the Department of Kurdish Language and Culture at Bingöl University. He has worked as a member of both the editorial board and the translation board for the magazine Wêje û Rexne. Currently, he works as an assistant editor for the magazines named Nûbihar Akademî and The Journal of Mesopotamian Studies. His Turkish poems have been published in the magazine Tasfiye, and the Kurdish ones in Pêngav. A book containing his Kurdish poems is to be published soon. He has translated several articles from English that have been published in Wêje û Rexne. In addition, he translated Ronayî Onen’s dissertation titled The Role of Language in The Discursive Construction of the Kurdish Nation: A Case on the Kurdish Periodical Hawar (1932-1943) into the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish for Peywend Publishing House. Şehmuz Kurt lives in Mardin.
Otobîyografî, Serborî û Romana Kurdî: Erebê Şemo û Peyrewên Wî (Kurdish Autobiography, Memoir and Novel: Ereb Semo and His Successors), Christine Allison, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 2, 2014
Dengbêj Di Sînoran De: Sînor û Dewlet Bi Nêrîna Kilambêjên Kurd (Dengbêjs on Borderlands: Borders and the State as Seen through the Eyes of Kurdish Singer-Poets), Wendelmoet Hamelink and Hanifi Barış, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 3, 2014
Belgefîlmên Li Ser Komkujiya Dêrsîmê: “Dersim 38” û “Dersim’in Kayıp Kızları” (Documentaries on the Dersim Massacre: Dersim 38 and Dersim’s Lost Girls), İlknur Bilir, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 4, 2015
Kevneşopî û Şiyana Kesayetî (Tradition and Individual Talent), T. S. Eliot, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 5, 2015
Kovara Hawarê û Rolê Ziman Di Avakirina Vegotinî ya Neteweyê Kurdî De (The Role of Language in The Discursive Construction of the Kurdish Nation: A Case on the Kurdish Periodical Hawar), Peywend Editions, 2016 (to be published soon)
Contact information:
Email address: sehmuzkurt@gmail.com