• Kurdî
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  • English

Mela Birhanê Tarînî

Imam, writer, and translator.

He was born in 1985 in the village of Tarîn in Şemrex (Mazıdağı), Mêrdîn (Mardin). After primary school, he abandoned the state school system and started to study in the Kurdish madrasas in order to be an imam. He continued his education in Mardin, Diyarbakır, Antep, Batman, Bitlis, and finally in Bismil, where he graduated from the madrasa and received his diploma in 2004. After receiving his diploma, he travelled to villages to teach, just like every other Kurdish imam. Mela Birhanê Tarînî continues to teach in Mardin, and as a devotee of Kurdish literature, carries on with his transliterations and translations of Kurdish classics and Arabic.



Medrese, Ji Her Aliyî Ve Medreseyên Me (Madrasa, Our Madrasas In All Respects), Lîs Editions, 2011


Xutba Kurdî, bi navê Êwana Pendê Kurdî ye, wergera Dîwana Xutba Mînberiyye (Kurdish Khutbah, with the title Kurdish Sermons, the translation of The Divan of the Khutbah of Mînberiyye), Mektebet-û Seyda Editions, 2011

Peyvên Biçûk, ji Rîsaleyên Nûr (Little Words, from The Epistles of Light), Rnk. İstanbul Editions, 2011


Çil Hedîsên Qudsî ji Gula Bexçê Nebî (Forty Sacred Hadiths from the Rose of the Prophet’s Garden), Seyda Editions, Beirut, 2014

Transliterations and edited editions:

Hemû Berhem, beşa Mem û Zînê (Complete Works, the Mem and Zîn section), Ehmedê Xanî, Lîs Editions, 2008

Beyana Xwarinan û Zewqên Wan (Recipes and Their Tastes), Şêx Muhyedînê Hênî, Peywend Editions, 2015

Dîwana Şêx Evdilqadirê Hezanî (The Divan of Şêx Evdilqadirê Hezanî), Lîs Editions, 2016

Menzûmeya Tecwîdê ya Mela Xelîlê Sêrtî (Mela Xelîlê Sertî’s Tajweed Poems), Lîs Editions, 2016

Kîtab’ud-Durrîl E’la fî Îlmî’t-Tecwîd (The Book of Tajweed Knowledge), Seydayê Licêyî, Lîs Editions, 2016

Contact information:

Email address: cigerheliyaderik@gmail.com