Serdar Ay
PhD student and translator.
Serdar Ay was born in 1986 in the Girberaz village of Hezex (İdil), Şirnex (Şırnak). He graduated from the Department of History at Istanbul University, completed his master’s degree at EHESS-Paris and has been doing PhD study at INALCO for four years. His thesis is on Kurdish literary magazine publishing in Northern Kurdistan. He is an editorial board member of the magazine Wêje û Rexne. He is in charge of the Kurdish section of the Library of BULAC-Paris. Up until now, his writings, essays and translations have appeared in the magazines Wêje û Rexne and Çirûsk.
Hevpeyvîn li ser Wêje û ‘Felaket’ê bi Marc Nichanian re (Interview with Marc Nichanian on Literature and ‘Disaster’), Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 8
Şîn (Lament), Çirûsk magazine, issue: 27th May 2016
‘Kolonîyalîzma Deynkirî’ û Wêjeya Tirkî ya Dewra Yekem a Tirkîyeyê: Îmaja Kurdan (‘Borrowed Colonialism’ and Turkish Literature in the First Period of Turkey: The Image of the Kurds), Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 7, June 2016
Hevpeyvîn Bi Ngugi wa Thiong’o Re (Interview with Ngugi wa Thiong’o), Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 6, 2016
Xwendineke Antîkoloniyal Li Ser ‘Êş’a Rênas Jiyan’î (An Anti-Colonial Reading of Rênas Jiyan’s ‘Êş’ (The Sorrow)), Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 5, June 2015
Li Ser ‘Êş’ê Bi Rênas Jiyan Re Hevpeyvîn (Interview with Rênas Jiyan on ‘Êş’ (Sorrow)), Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 5, June 2015
Bi Şener Özmen Re Li Ser ‘Trawma’yê (Interview with Şener Özmen on ‘Trauma’), with Dawid Yeşîlmen, issue: 4, January 2015
Neteweperwerî-Ziman û ‘Pênûsên Ciwan’ (Nationalism-Language and ‘The Young Writers’), Çirûsk magazine, issue: 20, January 2014
Duaya Sebiyekî Reşik (Prayer of a Black Boy), Guy Triolien, from French into Kurdish, Çirûsk magazine, issue: 25, September 2015
Di Sînemayê De Temsîla Kurdan (The Representation of Kurds in Cinema), Hamit Bozarslan, from French into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 3, September 2014
Edebiyata Kurdî ya Populer û Klasîk (Popular and Classical Kurdish Literature), Sureyya Bedîrxan, from French into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 2, May 2014
Ji Bo Çêkirina Wêneyê Çûkekî (To Paint the Portrait of a Bird), Jacques Prévert, from French into Kurdish, Çirûsk magazine, issue: 21, May 2014
Edebiyata Kurdî (Kurdish Literature), Roger Lescot, from French into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, issue: 1, January 2014
Essai sur l’origine des langues (Essay on the Origin of Languages), Jean Jacques Rousseau, from French into Kurdish (in progress)
Discours sur le colonialisme, Suivi de Discours sur la négritude (Discourse on Colonialism and Negritude), Aimé Césaire, from French into Kurdish, with Musa Çelik (in progress)
Cahier d’un Retour au Pays Natal (Notebook of a Return to the Native Land), Aimé Césaire, from French into Kurdish (in progress)
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