• Kurdî
  • Türkçe
  • English

Qahir Bateyî

qahir_bateyi_resimWriter and publisher.

He was born in 1974 in the Bêmbo village of Şemzînan (Şemdinli), Colemêrg (Hakkâri). He participated in patriotic activities from a very young age. In 1993, in his first year of high school, he was arrested and served four months in prison in Diyarbakır and Hakkâri. He fled to Southern Kurdistan for eight months in 1994 due to the Turkish state’s oppression. After being taken into custody and tortured several times, Bateyî moved to Istanbul in 1997. He began working at the Kurdish Institute of Istanbul in 1998. From 2000 to 2005, he was a member of the institute’s senate and executive board. In 2006, he played a part in the foundation of the TZP Kurdî (Movement for Language and Education in Kurdish), working as the movement’s spokesman until 2009. He was in prison again for six months in 2004 and two and half years between 2009 and 2011. Qahir Bateyî, who currently resides in Van, is the owner and editor of Sîtav Publishing House.

His works:

Short story collection:

Perdeyê Reş (The Black Curtain), Sîtav Editions, 2014


Gulên Azadiyê (The Roses of Freedom), Aram Editions, 2003

Essay collection:

Çavxezal (Doe-Eyed), Sîtav Editions, 2014

His books about language teaching:

Kartên Jîran (Kartên Dîtbarî yên Perwerdehîya Zarokan), (Language Cards for Clever Children (The Pedagogical Visual Cards)), Sîtav Editions, 2013

Ferheng & Sözlük Kurdî-Tirkî / Türkçe-Kürtçe, (Kurdish-Turkish / Turkish-Kurdish Dictionary), Sîtav Editions, 2014

Kürtçe Konuşma Kılavuzu (Kurdish Phrasebook), Sîtav Editions, 2014

Contact information:

Email address: nefelkitapkirtasiye@hotmail.com