Wêje û Rexne
The journal Wêje û Rexne began publishing in 2014 and has released 6 issues thus far. The journal is published every four months and carries material in three of the major dialects of Kurdish (Kurmanjî, Zazakî, and Soranî). It has yet to receive any submissions in the Goranî dialect. The journal is prepared in Diyarbakır and distributed throughout Northern Kurdistan. The editorial team also sends copies of the journal, upon request, to cities in Turkey, Europe, and other regions of Kurdistan. Wêje û Rexne is completely independent and has no ties with any organizations, parties, institutes, or universities. It is a collective project in which every member shares the same degree of responsibility.
The journal does not publish poetry, selections of novels, stories, plays and other similar texts. It only prints articles about theory, criticism, and literary research. Academic commentaries and new interpretations are among the primary criteria it seeks in articles. The editorial team reads submitted articles seriously and attempts to work with writers to make necessary changes and produce the highest quality work. Rather than limiting itself to scholarship on genre and literary history, the journal displays a great degree of flexibility and gives significant emphasis to contemporary literature.
One of the main reasons for the publication of the journal is the lack of literary and cultural criticism within the Kurdish language. In the Kurdish context, there is a lack of knowledge and academic grounding when it comes to serious literary criticism. Many concepts and terms remain unstandardized. Many of the foundational texts of literary criticism were unavailable in Kurdish and there were few translations. Given that the Kurds and Kurdistan remain under occupation, the question of the development of the Kurdish language is not simply a linguistic question. The road to liberation from this particular condition of oppression also requires the formation of an academic language. With these deficiencies in mind, the journal is working to build within Kurdish society a consciousness liberated from states of oppression and to construct academic and theoretical registers in the Kurdish language.
For this reason, the journal has generated a number of reports on foundational subjects and translated foundational texts from foreign languages, as part of its established program from the beginning. Since its first issue the journal has prepared the following studies: Di Wêjeyê De Bêcihûwarî (Homelessness in Literature, 1st issue), Di Wêjeyê De Mirov û Diyardeyên Mirovî (The Human and the Human Condition in Literature, 2nd issue), Wêje û Sînor (Literature and the Border, 3rd issue), Wêje û Trawma I (Literature and Trauma I, 4th issue), Wêje û Trawma II (Literature and Trauma II, 5th issue) and Wêje û Sirgûn (Literature and Exile, 6th issue). The journal’s 7th issue, currently in preperation, takes up the subject of “Image and Representation in Kurdish Literature in the 1990s.”
Owner: İnan Yoldaş
Editor: Dawid Yeşîlmen
Editorial team: Adnan Çelik, Emin Aslan, Güneş Kan, Ömer Delikaya, Semra Güçlü, Serdar Ay, Sinan Gültekin, Tahir Taninha, Zeki Gürür
Contact inforamation:
Address: Selahaddini Eyyübi Mah. Turgut Özal Blv. Batıkent Sit. A-5 Blok No:26 Bağlar/Diyarbakır
E-mail: wejeurexne@gmail.com
Web site: www.wejeurexne.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wejerexne
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wejeurexne
+90 (530) 347 86 62 (for contents)
+90 (530) 347 26 48 (for financial affairs and subscription)