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Dawid Yeşîlmen

DAWID-YESILMEN_resimEditor, translator and researcher.
Born in 1984 in Kerboran (Dargeçit) in the province of Mêrdîn (Mardin), he graduated from the Department of Primary School Education at the Kocaeli University and taught at schools in the towns of Derik, Çınar and Sur for nearly eight years. In the same period, he completed his master’s degree in the Department of Kurdish Language and Culture at Mardin Artuklu University. His master’s degree was titled “Di Romanên Kurdî De Temaya Sirgûnê” (The Theme of Exile in Kurdish Novels). He is currently writing his PhD thesis, titled “Di Wêjeya Modern a Kurdî De Temsîla Kêmareyên Nemisilman” (The Representation of Non-Muslim Minorities in Kurdish Novels), at the University of Essen-Duisburg.

Yeşîlmen has been writing critical reviews and research articles about Kurdish literature since his university years as well as doing translations. Between 2003 and 2006, he was a member of the editorial board for the magazine Amigra and has been editor of the magazine Wêje û Rexne since 2014. Additionally, he is one of the founders of the Diyarbakir Reading Club. He has published in magazines such as Amigra, Tîroj, Çirûsk and Wêje û Rexne. Yeşîlmen is married, has one son, and currently lives in the city of Essen in Germany.


Zimanê Romanên Mehmed Uzun (The Language of Mehmed Uzun’s Novels), Amigra magazine, 05/2006
Di Berhemên Dostoyevskî De Pirsgirêka Mirovatiyê (The Human Problem in Dostoyevsky’s Works), Çirûsk magazine, 09/2010
Pêşengeha Sûretên Êşên Me (The Exhibition of Our Sorrows’ Semblances), an analysis on the novel titled Pêşengeha Sûretan (The Exhibition of Semblances) by Îrfan Amîda, the website of kulturname.com, 19.02.2012
Incîleke Bê Xweda: Mîrzayê Biçûk (A Godless Bible: The Little Prince), Çirûsk magazine, 16/2012
Ziman, Felsefe û Xebatên Felsefî yên Komeleya Felsefenasan Li Amedê (Language and Philosophy and the Studies of the Philosophers’ Association in Amed), Tîroj magazine, 63/2013
Di Romana “Gotinên Gunehkar” a Hesenê Metê De Bawerî, Xweza û Evîn (Belief, Nature and Love in the Novel Titled Gotinên Gunehkar (The Sinful Words) by Hesenê Metê), Çirûsk magazine, 18/2013
Di Romanên Kurdî De Avakirina Karekterên Ermen û Temsîla Wan (The Construction and Representation of the Armenian Characters in Kurdish Novels), Wêje û Rexne magazine, 2/2014
“Hêlîn” û Zarokiya Di Nav Sînoran De (Hêlîn (The Nest) and Childhood Between Borders), Wêje û Rexne magazine, 3/2014
Trawmaya Bindestiyê Di Romanên Kurdî yên Sirgûniyê De (The Trauma of Oppression in the Kurdish Novels Written in Exile), Wêje û Rexne magazine, 4/2015
Sirgûn û Rewşenbîrî: Xwendineke Tematîk Li Ser Romana Firat Cewerî, “Payîza Dereng” (Exile and the Intellectual: A Thematic Reading of the Novel Payîza Dereng (A Belated Autumn) by Firat Cewerî), Wêje û Rexne magazine, 6/2015

Herêma Yoknapatawpha (The Yoknapatawpha Region), Sonja Galler, translated from English into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, 1/2014
Kurd Di Romanên Iraqiyan De (Kurds in the Novels of Iraqi Writers), Ronen Zeidel, translated from English into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, 5/2015
Hevpeyvîn Bi Mgûgî wa Thiong’o Re (Interview with Mgugi wa Thiong’o), Serdar Ay, translated from English into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, 6/2016
… Ez Berê Nivîskarekî Elman Bûm, Wêjeya Elmanî ya Sirgûnê Di Serdema Sosyalîzma Nasyonal De (… Once Upon A Time I Was A German Writer, German Exile Literature in the Period of National Socialism), Sonja Galler, translated from English into Kurdish, Wêje û Rexne magazine, 6/2016
Berfespî (Snow-White), The Brothers Grimm, translated from German into Kurdish, with Sonja Galler, Hîva Press, 2015
Muzîkjenên Bajêr ên Bremenê (The Bremen Town Musicians), The Brothers Grimm, translated from German into Kurdish, with Sonja Galler, Hîva Press, 2015
Terziyê Biçûk ê Wêrek (The Brave Little Tailor), The Brothers Grimm, translated from German into Kurdish, with Sonja Galler, Hîva Press, 2015
Şahbanûya Li Ser Şoqilê (The Princess and the Pea), The Brothers Grimm, translated from German into Kurdish, with Sonja Galler, Hîva Press, 2015
Li Ser Masîvan û Jina Wî (The Fisherman and His Wife), The Brothers Grimm, translated from German into Kurdish, with Sonja Galler, Hîva Press, 2015

Contact information:
Email address: davutyesilmen@hotmail.com